The Body Achieves What The Mind Believes

Melt Fat Right Off, Build Serious Muscle

Fat Loss & Mindset Transformation Specialist

"It's not what you have to do, it's who do you need to become"

Health & Fitness Transformation Specialist


Ready to commit to your fat loss?

Read this before applying to the program...

  • In addition to attending ALL scheduled workouts you'll need to adhere to the nutrition plan we recommend if you want to get real results.

  • Each week there will be scheduled mindset training sessions to overcome obstacles. We expect you to attend as many as possible.

Our Famous Bulletproof 66 Program

This program is designed to take everyone past their limiting beliefs, making anything you want to accomplish outside of the gym possible both mentally and physically.

Real Members. Real Results


Joe Doe

They helped me to bounce back and get to the top of my physical shape again! I'm so grateful for all the help he provided!


Jane Doe

I was quite surprised with a range of services Edward offered me. His group training programs are perfect for beginners.

CJ Hustle Fit

New Hampshire


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